Sunday, November 23, 2008

Book Report: Babies Can’t Eat Kimchi

My son and I went to the library the other night. In the children’s section, they generally have various books on display right before you enter and a section with a theme right as you walk into the room. Generally, my son heads right to the theme section, but I happened to catch sight of a book that was displayed out front.

Babies Can’t Eat Kimchi, by Nancy Patz. It’s a children’s picture book. It isn’t designed to teach about Korean culture or express any moral lessons. It is simply a cute picture book that talks about being a big sister to a new baby. My son enjoyed it because it had pictures of children that looked like him and he did recognize the hanbok. If you have a child and you are expecting a new one, it might be a cute one to borrow from the library.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a cute title. I will have to check it out